The Herzegovinian stone and sunny climate provides the perfect conditions for breeding and processing the best quality grape varieties. Especially in Brotnjo, where the highest quality Herzegovinian vineyards are, famous for grape and wine for centuries.
Transferring and refreshing knowledge of grapes and wine from knee to knee family Ostojić has come to enchanting knowledge and quality in wine making, so today Ostojić’s wine cellar exports quality and famous wines in Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond.
From the production program are the excellent wines of Žilavka, Blatina, Vranac and Merlot; Barrique wines; brandy Loza, Travarica, Extra loza, Zlatna dunja, Zlatna marelica, Gorki orahovac, Medovača and Viljamovka and liqueurs, Slatki orahovac and Slatka dunja.