Vranac Radivoj Ostojić
Radoj Ostojić (Jajce around 1410 – Ključ May 1463) was our king. He was wearing the title of Duke of Vranduk. The son of King Stjepan Ostoja and brother of King Stjepan Tomas, Radivoj Ostojić, although as a Bosnian king unrecognized on a general level, was an important personality of the first half of the 15th century. He lived for the Bosnian kingdom in dense and weathered times. On the one hand, the Hungarians with centuries-old pretensions to our rich country, on the other hand, the Ottoman Empire knocking on the door. With the rank of diplomacy, the alliances, and leading the wise politics, Radivoj Ostojic was the actor of most of the events of the kingdom of Bosnia. This is our supreme wine, vranac variety, called by this local king, our Ostojic Radivoj, who ends his life, together with his cousin King Stjepan Tomasevic, in the town of Ključ.